Write for Us
<div>Radar108 welcomes unsolicited articles and blog posts. We currently do not compensate you for your submissions. This may change in the future and if so we'll keep you posted. <br></div><div><br></div><div><a href="https://www.radar108.com/consumer/getSurveyWelcomeMessage.action?companyProfileId=861538296&amp;surveyId=388266962&amp;preview=preview&amp;viewId=&amp;secureId=&amp;enterFullSite=&amp;pk_campaign=&amp;scopeType="><font size="4" color="#009900">Click here to submit</font></a><br></div><br>You may <br><br>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pitch us a story idea - about a human-interest story that has a small business angle to it, an innovative business project or marketing campaign you are running or plan to run<br>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pitch us a learning series idea or guest expert analysis or a guest op-ed<br>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pitch us a marketing campaign you’d like to collaborate with us or other small businesses on. <br>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Pitch us a survey idea<br>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Request our editorial or campaign or survey calendar &nbsp;<br>•&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Send a correction request <br><br>Expert Analysis<br>Radar108 reviews guest submissions for all of our publications. We do not pay for guest articles, nor charge for publishing. Editors look for well-written analysis and op-eds by qualified experts on issues of current interest to the small business community, including cases, policies, deals, trends and debates. Time-sensitive articles are reviewed within 24 hours.&nbsp; Time-sensitive material should be noted with the submission or indicate the ideal time-frame for publication.<br><br>Articles should:<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Be original, up-to-date and 1,000-2,000 words. Longer/shorter works are considered.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Focus on news from the last 90 days unless discussing broader trends.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including involvement by authors or their organizations in cases or issues discussed, and past or present business relationships with parties mentioned.<br><br>Articles should not:<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have been previously published.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Be ranting, self-promotional or defamatory.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Focus on an ongoing case in which the author is involved.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Have more than three authors on the byline.<br><br>Submissions should include:<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The article in Microsoft Word format (no PDFs).<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Any citations and hyperlinks in the form of numbered endnotes.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Each author’s name, title, organization and color photo.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Any charts or visual aids as hi-res JPG or PNG files.<br>Once an article is accepted for publication:<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You will be required to sign a license agreement.<br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Radar108 edits for spelling, grammar and punctuation in keeping with AP style and Radar108 style.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Radar108 alters headlines — length and tone — to fit our blogs and newsletters.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Radar108 does not send edited articles back to authors for review before publishing.<br><br>Once an article is published by Radar108<br><br>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;It cannot be republished in another small business news outlet for 90 days. Distribution is permitted via small business firm publications and social media with credits <br>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;You will be notified and sent a PDF which will have a Radar108 logo.&nbsp; These reprints are currently sent back to you free-of-charge.<br>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Radar108 may be unable to honor requests to modify it, including for reasons of employee hires or departures, etc.<br>4.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The author retains copyright, but Radar108 reserves the right to republish parts or all of an article indefinitely without any royalty payments.<br><br><div><br><div><a href="https://www.radar108.com/consumer/getSurveyWelcomeMessage.action?companyProfileId=861538296&amp;surveyId=388266962&amp;preview=preview&amp;viewId=&amp;secureId=&amp;enterFullSite=&amp;pk_campaign=&amp;scopeType="><font size="4" color="#009900">Click here to submit</font></a></div><div><br></div><div>We look forward to working with you. <br></div></div><div><br></div>
Posted on 8/30/20, 12:00:00 AM.000