Add your deals at Open4Biz.today!
Posted on 12/20/23, 12:00:00 AM.000

<p></p><span style="font-size:24px;"><h5 style="font-size: 24px;"><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">In the dynamic world of business, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One effective way to attract and retain customers is by offering irresistible deals. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using Open4Biz to post deals, and how to add or update your deals on Open4Biz.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"></p></h5><h5 style="font-size: 24px;"><br></h5><h5 style="font-size: 24px;"><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;">Increased Visibility:</p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Posting deals on Open4Biz instantly expands your business's reach. Users on the platform can discover your offers, leading to increased visibility for your products or services. This exposure is especially valuable for small and medium-sized businesses looking to make a mark in their respective industries.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><br style="font-size: 14px;"></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;">Enhanced Customer Engagement:</p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Deals create a sense of excitement and urgency among customers. By posting your promotions on Open4Biz, you encourage customers to engage with your business, driving them to explore your products or services. This heightened engagement can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;"><br style="font-size: 14px;"></span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;">Real-Time Updates:</p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">In the fast-paced world of business, the ability to provide real-time updates is invaluable. Open4Biz allows you to modify and update your deals instantly, ensuring that your customers have access to the latest and most relevant information about your promotions.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;"><br style="font-size: 14px;"></span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;">Competitive Edge:</p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">The business landscape is highly competitive, and standing out is essential. With Open4Biz, you can gain a competitive edge by showcasing your exclusive deals and promotions. This not only attracts new customers but also encourages existing ones to choose your business over competitors.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;"><br style="font-size: 14px;"></span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;">Analytics for Informed Decision-Making:</p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal;">Open4Biz provides analytics and insights into the performance of your deals. By analyzing data such as the number of views, clicks, and conversions, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. This data-driven approach helps you refine your promotions for maximum effectiveness.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><br style="font-size: 14px;"></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;">Add/Updating your Deals</p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">1. Login to Open4Biz.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">2. Select the business dashboard you want to add/update deals in</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">3. On the left pane, under "Featured message or offer", add/update details of your deal.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">4. Upload an "Offer Image". You can click on an offer image to re-upload a new image.</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">5. Hit Update</span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;"><br style="font-size: 14px;"></span></p><p style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">Your deal will be live on Open4Biz Deals!&nbsp;</span></p></h5></span>

Racial Wealth Gaps Widen Despite Growth: 2022 SCF Findings
Posted on 10/21/24, 12:00:00 AM.000

<p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;"><br></span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">In the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), the Federal Reserve highlighted the continued racial disparities in wealth across different ethnic groups in the U.S. Despite some progress, significant gaps remain between White families and non-White families, particularly Black and Hispanic households.</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;"><br></span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">&nbsp;Key Findings:</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">- Wealth Disparities: The typical White family held six times the wealth of the typical Black family and five times that of the typical Hispanic family. While White families had a median wealth of $285,000, Black families had just $44,900, and Hispanic families had $61,600.</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">- Wealth Growth: Between 2019 and 2022, wealth for Black and Hispanic families grew faster than for White families (61% and 47%, respectively, compared to 31% for White families). However, because Black and Hispanic families started with much lower wealth levels, the absolute wealth gap widened by over $50,000 during this period.</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">- Income and Financial Pessimism: Although most families across all races reported enough income to meet their financial obligations, Black and Hispanic families, in particular, experienced stagnant real wages, increasing their financial uncertainty. Many non-White families also reported heightened pessimism about their financial futures and the broader economy.</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;"><br></span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">&nbsp;Drivers of Wealth Growth:</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">- Homeownership: The increase in wealth for Black and Hispanic families was primarily driven by homeownership and rising home equity. However, even with these gains, only 45% of Black families and about 50% of Hispanic families owned their homes in 2022, compared to much higher rates among White families.</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">- Business and Stock Ownership: Ownership of businesses and stocks also increased for non-White families, helping close the wealth gap slightly. However, because non-White families typically hold fewer stocks and businesses, the overall impact on wealth remained modest.</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;"><br></span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">&nbsp;</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">While non-White families, particularly Black and Hispanic households, made progress in building wealth from 2019 to 2022, deep-rooted disparities persist. With rising pessimism about the future and growing income inequality, the path to closing the racial wealth gap remains long and uncertain. Policymakers must continue to address these structural inequalities to create a more financially equitable society.<br></span></font><table class="shrt-url-tbl table-responsive" style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 13px; width: 1291.15px;"><tbody style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all;"><tr style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all;"><td style="padding: 8px 12px; font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all; line-height: 1.42857; font-size: 15px; overflow: hidden; max-width: 300px; text-overflow: ellipsis;"><br></td></tr></tbody></table><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;">Click here to read the full article by the Federal Reserve:&nbsp;</span></font></p><p><font face="Poppins, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 15px;"><br></span></font></p><table class="shrt-url-tbl table-responsive" style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 13px; width: 1291.15px;"><tbody style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all;"><tr style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all;"><td style="padding: 8px 12px; font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all; line-height: 1.42857; font-size: 15px; overflow: hidden; max-width: 300px; text-overflow: ellipsis;"><span class="domainName_add" style="font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; transition-property: all;">rdr.bz</span>/e8</td></tr></tbody></table>