Contact person name
Company or establishment name. Attach logo. JPG, PNG only. (Do not upload PDF)
Short description of business or establishment
Business or establishment type. Multiple answers are OK
Additional keywords related to your business. Start typing and click on relevant options from dropdown list. Multiple answers are ok. OR add comma separated keywords in the comments section.
Email address. This will be displayed in the directory and to contact you.
Phone number
Company URL
Business address
Is the business currently open/closed?
Temporarily closed
If temporarily closed, when do you expect to re-open?
Choose other relevant business status settings
Mask required Open as usual Carryout only Curbside pickup Delivery & carryout Delivery only Emergencies only New hours By appointment only Remote only Seniors only Special hours Taking new clients Booking for future Virtual Relocating soon Moving online only soon Starting new locations soon Business for sale Now hiring Equipment for sale Repair Facility
What are your hours of operation/timings? Mention holidays and senior hours, if you have them. You can update these values as needed (you'll be provided a login id).
All days Show labels
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat -
Sun -
Your promotional message to customers. Add a relevant image . JPG, PNG only. (Do not upload PDF)
If you have a website where customers can buy gift cards from your business, enter the URL here (optional). (Please ensure it is a secure site). Only one URL is allowed
In addition to the directory listing, would you like these additional services? Share details in the comments section.
Add a contact form for customers to connect with you Add a detailed menu of options Add a shopping cart/e-commerce Receive online orders as text Help me accept gift cards Help me easily update the status for multiple locations
Does your business have multiple locations to update? If yes, add a comment as to when would be best to reach you over the phone to get you set up.
<p>An email will be sent to you at the provided email that will enable you to login and edit information later as needed.<br></p>